• The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.
*Kajimoto Laboratory [#v5f08b7f]

Kajimoto lab was established in April 2007. The main research topic is human interface, especially tactile or cross-modal interface. ~

-[[Introduction Movies:https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?movie]]
-[[For those who consider visiting/joining:https://kaji-lab.jp/en/index.php?ForeignVisitorInvitation]]

**Announcement [#j711ca6b]

**News [#t3dbfc8d]
''(These are copied from the Japanese page and delayed for one year. For up-to-date news, please visit our Japanese page)''

- 2023.8.6-10 Takami (M2) presented at [[SIGGRAPH 2023@Los Angeles, US:https://s2023.siggraph.org/]].~

- 2023.7.10-13 Suga (M2), Narita (M1), Mizoguchi, Tanaka (D3), Takami (M2), Kato (M1), Teo (M1), Hamaguchi (B4) presented at  [[World Haptics Conference 2023@Delft, Netherlands:https://2023.worldhaptics.org/]].~
Tanaka and Narita were selected as finalists of Best Demo Award(6 among 86)~

- 2023.3.13 Saito (M2) presented at  [[Augmented Humans 2023@Glasgow, UK:https://augmented-humans.org/]].~

- 2022.11.12 Tanaka (D2), Hamazaki (M1) and Suga (M1) presented at [[AsiaHaptics2022 Tokyo Venue:http://asiahaptics2022.com/455/TokyoVenue.html]]~

- 2022.5.22-27 Ushiyama (D1), Hamazaki (M1), and Nakayama (M1) presented at [[EuroHaptics2022@Hamburg,:https://www.eurohaptics2022.org/]]~

-- 2022/4/12 Research by Moriyama was published in [[IEEE Spectrum:https://spectrum.ieee.org/haptic-vr]].~

-- 2022.3.22-23 Moriyama, Kaneda, Hamazaki presented at IEEE Haptics Symposium.~
''[[Hamazaki received the Best Conference Technical Paper Honorable Mention:https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?HS2022BestPaperAward]]''~

- 2021.7.6-9 Kameoka, Kaneko, Takeuchi, Zhang, Manabe, Saito presented at [[World Haptics Conference 2021:http://2021.worldhaptics.org/]].~
''[[Kaneko received Work in Progress Honorable Mention Award:https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?WHC2021WIP_HonorableMention]]''~

- 2021.5.8-13 Takahashi, Karasawa, Ushiyama,k Saito presented at [[CHI2021:https://chi2021.acm.org/]].~

- 2020.9.6-9 Kaneko, Tanaka, Naito, Ushiyama, Tirado, Vladislav, presented at [[EuroHaptics:http://eurohaptics2020.org/]] (online)~
[[''Naito received the Best Demo Award (special mention for online demo)'':https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?EUROHAPTICS2020]]。~

- 2020.8.26-27 Moriyama, Mizuhara, Ushiyama presenteda t [[SIGGRAPH:https://s2020.siggraph.org/]](Online)~

- 2020.5 Tanaka, Takeuchi presented at Haptics Symposium.
- 2020.3.16-17 Sanada presented at [[Augmented Humans:https://augmented-humans.org/]] (Online).~

- 2019.11.17-20 Moriyama, Miyakami, Murata, Kobayashi, Ushiyama presented at [[SiggraphAsia2019:https://sa2019.siggraph.org/]] in Brisbane~
&color(red){''Kobayashi received Best Demo Voted by Attendees - Runners Up''};~
&color(red){''Moriyama's co-authored work (Scoltech's SwarmClock) received Best Demo by Committee - Honorable Mention.''};~

- 2019.11.14-16 Mizuhara presented at [[VRCAI2019:https://vrcai.siggraph.org/]] in Brisbane~

- 2019/Kajimoto worked as a General Chair in [[WorldHaptics2019:http://www.worldhaptics2019.org/]]. Kobayashi, Sanada presented at Student Competition. Takahashi, Kaneko, MUrata, Miyakami worked as student volunteers.~

- Kobayashi, Miyakami, Asazu, Mizuhara presented at [[Augmented Human 2019:https://www.augmented-human.com/]].~

-2018.12.4 Moriyama and Kameoka presented at [[SiggraphAsia2018:https://sa2018.siggraph.org/en/]].~
Moriyama received Best Demo Voted by Attendees[[受賞報告:https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?SIGGRAPHASIA2018E]]~

-2018.11.28 Takahashi presented at [[VRST2018:https://vrst.acm.org/vrst2018/]].~

-2018.11.27 Yamaguchi presented at [[ISS2018:http://iss.acm.org/2018/]]~

-2018.11.14 Kaneko, Moriyama, Kobayashi, Miyakami, Yamaguchi, Kameoka presented at [[AsiaHaptics2018:http://asiahaptics.org/]].~

-2018.11.7 Murata presented at [[ICAT-EGVE2018:http://icat-egve2018.rise.org.cy/]].~

-2018.10.13 Takahashi, Moriyama, Kameoka presented at [[SUI2018:https://sui.acm.org/2018/]]および[[UIST2018:http://uist.acm.org/uist2018/]].~
Takahashi received Best poster award~

-2018.6.13-16 Shionoiri, Kaneko, Kobahashi, Miyakami, Mizuhara presented at [[EuroHaptics2018:http://eurohaptics2018.org/]].~

-2018.3.25-28 Yem, Moriyama, Murata presented at [[Haptics Symposium2018:http://2018.hapticssymposium.org/]].~

-2018.3.18-22 Yem and Kon presented at [[IEEEVR2018:http://ieeevr.org/2018/]].~

-2017.12.14-16 Oishi (M2) presented at [[ACE2017:http://ace2017.info/]] in London.~

-2017.11.27-30 Nakamura(D2) presented at Emerging Technologies session in [[SIGGRAPH ASIA2017:https://sa2017.siggraph.org/]] in Bangkok~

-2016.7.24-28 Kon (M2) presented two demonstrations at [[Siggraph2017:http://s2017.siggraph.org/]] in Los Angeles.~

-2017.6.6-9 Yem, Sakuragi(M1), Shitara(M1), Kameoka (B3) presented at [[WorldHaptics2017:http://www.worldhaptics2017.org/]] in Fürstenfeldbruck (Munich)~

-2017.3.18-22 Yem presented at [[IEEE-VR2017:http://www.ieeevr.org/2017/]] in Los Angeles.~
Kodama(D2) and Kon (M1) presented at [[IEEE-3DUI2017:http://3dui.org/]].~

-2016.10.15-16 Oishi (M1) presented at [[ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction:http://sui-symposium.org/]] in Tokyo~

-2016.11.29-12.1 Yem, Nakamura (D1), Tanabe (M2), Kon (M1), Shitara (M1), Takahashi (M1), Kaneko (B4), and Kameoka (B3) presented their work at [[AsiaHaptics:http://asiahaptics.vrsj.org/2016/]] in Kashiwanoha~

-2016.7.24-28 Yem, Uematsu (M2), Ogawa (15graduated), and Tanabe (M2) presented their work at [[Siggraph2016:http://s2016.siggraph.org/]] emerging technology session, and Nishi (M1) presented at poster session.~

-2016.7.4-7 Yem, Nakamura (D1), Uematsu (M2), Shitara (M1), Kaneko (B4), Hoshino (M2), Sura (M2), Sakuragi (M1) , Takahashi (M1) presented at [[EuroHaptics2016:http://www.eurohaptics2016.org/]] in London.~

-2016.5.7-12 Sura (M2) presented at [[CHI2016:http://chi2016.acm.org/wp/]] in San Jose (Note).~

-2016.4.8-11 Yem, Nakmura 9M2), Kon (M1) presented at [[Haptics Symposium2016:http://2016.hapticssymposium.org/]] in Philadelphia.~

-2015.11.2-5 Takei (M2) and Ogawa (M2) presented at [[SIGGRAPH ASIA:http://sa2015.siggraph.org/jp/]] at Kobe.~
Ogawa's work was introduced at [[GIZMODO:http://www.gizmodo.jp/2015/11/haptic_media_and_contents_desi.html?utm_source=rss20&utm_medium=rss]]で~

-2015.10.28-30 Sakuragi (B4) presented at [[ICAT-EGVE2015:http://www.ic-at.org/2015/]] at Kyoto.~

- 2015.6.22-6.26 Takuto Nakamura (M2), Tanabe (M1), Uematsu (M1), Sura (M1) Sakuragi (B4), Kon (B4) presented at [[World Haptics Conference2015:http://haptics2015.org/]].~
Takuto Nakamura was chosen as a candidate for best demo.~

-2015.4.18-23 Kodama(D1) and Hoshino (B4) presented at Work-in-progress session of [[CHI2015:http://chi2015.acm.org/]] in Seul, Korea.~

-2015.3.23-24 Ikeno(M2), Kouge (M1) presented at [[IEEE 3DUI:http://3dui.org/]] at Arles, France~

-2015.3.9-11 Kudo(M2) presented at [[Augmented Human:http://asg.sutd.edu.sg/ah2015/home]] at Singapore.~

-2014.11.18-20 Hachisu (D3), Okazaki (D2), Watanabe (D1), Ikeno (M2), Takuto Nakamura (M1), Takei (M1) presented at [[AsiaHaptics2014:http://asiahaptics.vrsj.org/2014/]].~

-2014.11.11-14 Takuto Nakamura (M1) and Kouge (M1) presented at [[ACE2014:http://www.ace2014.info/]].~
''Kouge received Best Poster Award.[[受賞報告:https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?20141114KogeACE2013Gold]]''~

- 2014.10.31(金) Kajimoto presented at [[Asia Faculty Summit:http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/events/asiafacsum2014/]].~

-2014.10.5-8 Nakai (M1), Ogawa (M1) presented their works at [[UIST2014:http://www.acm.org/uist/uist2014/]]~

- 2014.6.24-27 Taira Nakamura (M1) and Okazaki (D2) presented their work at [[EuroHaptics2014:http://eurohaptics2014.limsi.fr/]].~

- 2014.6.10-14 Takuto Nakamura (M1) presented at [[MDS2014:http://www.mdscongress2014.org/home.htm]]~

- 2014.4.26-5.1 Nakai (M1), Okazaki (D2), Hachisu (D3) and Kajimoto presented at [[CHI2014:http://chi2014.acm.org/]].~
Kajimoto's work was introduced by Network World~

- 2014.3.29-4.2 Takuto Nakamura (B4) presented at [[3DUI2014:http://3dui.org/]] and IEEEVR.~

- 2014.3.3-3.5 Laboratory Camp at Naha, Okinawa.~

- 2014.2.23-26 Hachisu (D2), Kurihara(M2), Nishimura(M2), Watanabe(M2) presented at [[IEEE Haptics Symposium:http://www.hapticssymposium.org/]].~

- 2013.11.19-22 Kurihara(M2) presented at [[SIGGRAPH Asia (Emerging Technologies Demonstration):http://sa2013.siggraph.org/en/]]~
[[Yosuke Kurihara received Emerging Technologies Prize:https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?20131120KuriharaSiggraphAsia2013ETPrize]]~
Kurihara's [[Jointonation:https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?research#jointonation]] was introduced in [[3D Artist Magazine:https://www.imagineshop.co.uk/magazines/3d-artist-issue-62.html]].~

- 2013.11.13-15 Kurihara(M2), Ikeno(M1) presented at [[ACE2013:http://www.advancesincomputerentertainment.org/]]~
[[Yosuke Kurihara received Best Paper Silver:https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?20131116KuriharaACE2013Silver]]~

- 2013.6.16-6.20 Takuto Nakamura (B4) presented at [[17th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders:http://www.mdscongress2013.org/]]~

-2013.4.27-5.2 Hachisu (D1) presented at [[CHI2013:http://chi2013.acm.org/]].~

-2013.4.14-17 Kurihara (M1), Okazaki (M2) and Kajimoto presented at [[IEEE World Haptics Conference:http://www.haptics2013.org/]].~

-2013.3.16-23 Kurihara (M1) presented at [[IEEE VR:http://ieeevr.org/2013/]]~

-2013.3.7-8 Watanabe (M1), Nishimura (M1), Katoh (B4) presented at [[Augmented Human:http://www.hcilab.org/ah2013/]].~

-2012.11.28-12.1 Sato (D2) and Kajimoto presented at [[SIGGRAPH ASIA 2012(Singapore):http://www.siggraph.org/asia2012/]]~
Kajimoto received Emerging Technologies Prize.~

-2012.11.11-14 Okabe (M2) and Yokoyama (M2) presented at [[ITS2012 (USA, Boston):http://its2012conf.org/]]~

-2012.11.3-5 Hachisu (D1) and Kajimoto presented at [[ACE2012 (Nepal, Kathmandu):http://ace2012.info/]]~

-2012.8.5 Fukushima (D3) presented at e-tech session of [[SIGGRAPH (Los Angeles, USA):http://s2012.siggraph.org/]](Emerging Technologies)~

[[Discovery News:http://news.discovery.com/tech/chilly-chair-120808.html]]~


-2012.6.12-15 Okazaki (M2), Hachisu (D1) and Kajimoto presented at [[EuroHaptics (Finland, Tampere):http://www.eurohaptics2012.org/]].~

-2012.5.5-10  Nishimura (M1) presented at [[CHI (USA, Austin):http://chi2012.acm.org/]](Work in Progress)~

-2012.3.8-9 Fukushima (D2), Kuniyasu (M2), Zhao (M2), Yokoyama (M1) and Kurihara (B4) presented at [[Augmented Human (France, Megéve):http://www.augmented-human.com/page/ah12-welcome]].~
Kuniyasu and Fukushima received Best Paper Awards!~

-2012.3.5-7 Kajimoto presented at [[Haptic Symposium (Canada, Vancouver) :http://2012.hapticssymposium.org/]]~

-2011.11.28-30 Two works were presented at [[ICAT2011 (Osaka):http://www.ic-at.org/2011]] (M1:Okabe, M2: Zhao)~

-2011.11.13-16 One work was presented at [[ITS2011 (Kobe):http://http://its2011.jp/]] (D2: Fukushima)~

-2011.11.8-11 One work was presented at [[ACE (Lisbon):http://www.ace2011.org/]] (M2: Hachisu)~

-2011.10.16-19 One work was presented at [[UIST (Santa Barbara):http://www.acm.org/uist/uist2011/)]] (M2: Hachisu)~

-2011.8.7-11 One work was presented at e-tech session of [[ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 (Vanconver):http://www.siggraph.org/s2011/]]
(M1 Yoshikawa[[Vection Field for Pedestrian Traffic Control:http://www.siggraph.org/s2011/content/vection-field-pedestrian-traffic-control]])~

-2011.6.22-24 Two works were presented at [[World Haptics Conference 2011 (Istanbul):http://www.haptics2011.org/en/]] (M1 Okazaki, Kajimoto)~

-2011.5 Some works were introduced by Diginfo
--[[Kiss Transmission Device:http://www.diginfo.tv/2011/05/02/11-0090-r-en.php]] 
cited by: 
--[[Pedestrian Guidance System For Crowded Places:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-bzhY5_N78]]
--[[Pedestrian Collision Prevention System:http://www.diginfo.tv/2011/05/10/11-0091-r-en.php]]
--[[A Touch Screen In The Palm Of Your Hand:http://www.diginfo.tv/2011/05/10/11-0089-r-en.php]]
--[[Touchpanels That Don't Rely On Fingertip Movement:http://www.diginfo.tv/2011/05/10/11-0088-r-en.phpp]]
--[[Tickle Transmission Device for the iPhone:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeOnbdaQmtU&feature=player_embedded]]~

-Sense-Roid will be presented at [[Laval Virtual2011 ( 2011.4.4-10 ):http://www.laval-virtual.org/]].~
Abstract—What type of emotions could be obtained if you were able to hug yourself? When we hug someone, we feel a sense of ease coming from emotions such as belief, security and love. However, it is not possible to hug oneself, who is the closest person. To experience this situation, we proposed a tactile device called the Sense-Roid. The system is composed of a lay figure with tactile sensors to detect the user's caressing motion, and a tactile jacket with vibrators and artificial muscles to reflect the caressing motion to the user. As a result, users caress themselves through our Sense-Roid. We believe that this self-caressing experience will enlighten people about the value of caressing.~
N. Takahashi, R. Okazaki, H. Okabe, H. Yoshikawa, K. Aou, S. Yamakawa, M. Yokoyama, H. Kajimoto, Sense-Roid: Emotional Haptic Communication with Yourself, Virtual Reality International Conference 2011 (VRIC2011) proceedings, France, 2011[&ref(https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?plugin=attach&pcmd=open&file=sense-roid_vric2011.pdf&refer=publications,,pdf);]&br;

-2011.3.19-20 At [[ISVRI 2011:http://isvri2011.org/]], two papers were presented,and Taku Hachisu (M1) received [[Best Poster Award :https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?20110320HachisuISVRIAward]]~

-2011.3.12-14 At [[Augmented Human 2011:http://www.augmented-human.com/]], one oral and one demo was presented, and Masahiro Furukawa received [[Best Paper Award:https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?20110314FurukawaAugmentedHumanAward]]~

- 2011.3.10-12 At [[Interaction2011:http://www.interaction-ipsj.org/2011]], four demos were presented at interactive session, and Hiromi Yoshikawa (B4) received [[Interactive Presentation Award:http://www.interaction-ipsj.org/2011/program.html]]~
&ref(https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?plugin=attach&refer=FrontPage&openfile=interaction2011_2.jpg,center,130x170); ~

- 2010.12.15-18 At [[SIGGRAPH ASIA2010:http://www.siggraph.org/asia2010/]] (Seoul, Korea), Yu Okano(M2) presented at poster session.~

-2010 10/3-6, At [[UIST:http://www.acm.org/uist/uist2010/]], Kanako Aou (B4) presented at poster session.~

-2010.7.7-10, At[[EuroHaptics:http://www.eurohaptics2010.org/index.shtml]], Jun Ohara(M1), Hiroshi Kato (M2), Michi Sato (M2) and Hiroyuki Kajimoto presented. Kajimoto received Best Oral presentation Award~

-2009 12/24-26, Junya Miyake received Presentation Award at[[SICE-SI conference:http://www.si-sice.org/si2009/]].~

-2010 4/10-15 Shogo Fukushima will present at [[CHI2010:http://www.chi2010.org/]].~

-Pull-Navi was presented at [[Laval Virtual2010:http://www.laval-virtual.org/]].~

-Yuki Hashimoto individually received the Demostration Award at [[Virtual Reality Conference in Japan:http://www.vrsj2009.org/index.php]]~

-2010.3.25-26, Taku Hachisu and Satsuki Nakata presented at [[Haptics Symposium:http://www.hapticssymposium.org/next_conference.html]]in Boston~

- Pull-Navi was introduced in Shanghai-Daily News. ~

-2009.10.29-31 Yuichiro Kojima and Yuki Hashimoto presented at [[ACE2009:http://www.ace2009.org/]] in Athens, Greece~

-2009.9.30 Michi Sato received the Best Paper Award at [[IEEE RO-MAN 2009:http://ro-man2009.org/]].~

-2009.9.16 Shogo Fukushima received the Best paper Award at [[Entertainment Computing 2009:http://ec2009.entcomp.org/]]~

-2009.8.3-7,Yuichiro Kojima presented at [[SIGGRAPH2009:http://www.siggraph.org/s2009//]] Emerging Technology Session.~

-2009.3.5 Michi Sato and Yuki Hashimoto individually received the Interactive Presentation Award at [[Interaction2009:http://www.interaction-ipsj.org/index.html]].~

-2008.10.31 Michi Sato received the Best Presentation Award at Entertainment Computing 2008.~

-2008.8.11-15 Three works ([[/ed:https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?research#harakiri]],[[Emotional Touch:https://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?research#Speaker]],[[Ants in the Pants:http://www.mushi-how.com/]]) will be presented at the New Tech Demo session in [[SIGGRAPH2008:http://www.siggraph.org/s2008]].

-2008.6.11-13 Three works will be presented at oral, poster and demo session in [[EuroHaptics2008:http://www.disam.upm.es/~eurohaptics2008/]] ~

-2008.4.5-10 Two works will be presented at Work-in-Progress session in [[CHI2008:http://www.chi2008.org/]].

-2008.3.4 Hashimoto and Kajimoto individually received Interactive Demonstration Award at Interaction2008.

-2007.12.7 Hashimoto and Fukushima individually received Demonstration Awards in WISS2007.

-2007.11.24 Open Lab

-2007.11.3 Team "Tamago-chan" won triple crown: Grand Prix, Laval Award, and Kagamihara Award in [[IVRC:http://www.ivrc.org]]. The team will be invited to [[Laval Virtual:http://www.laval-virtual.org/]] (France) in April.

**Contact [#v23448ce]
-1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan&br;
The University of Electro-Communications&br;
Department of Human Communication, West Bldg#3, 4th floor, Rm401&br;
TEL/FAX +81-42-443-5445&br;

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