• The added line is THIS COLOR.
  • The deleted line is THIS COLOR.
* Shun Yamaguchi [#hf52c8c0]

**Affiliation [#t327d610]
-The University of Electro-Communications
-Kajimoto Laboratory &br;
Address 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8585 JAPAN &br;
TEL/FAX 042-443-5363

**Experience [#adde3d16]
-1995.3 Born in Saitama
-2013.3 Graduated from Kawagoe high school(Prefectural high school)
-2014.4 The University of Electro-Communications
-2018.4 The University of Electro-Communications (Graduate School)

**Research [#i978045f]
--Domestic conference &br;
-Domestic conference &br;
1. Yamaguchi,Shionoiri,Nakamura,Kajimoto:&br;
 壁材見本の展示を目的とする遭遇型VRシステムの提案, &br;
 Interaction2018 (22nd Symposium by Information Processing Society of Japan),2018.03, .[[[pdf]:http://kaji-lab.jp/ja/index.php?plugin=attach&pcmd=open&file=yamainter.pdf&refer=yamaguchi]]&br;

**Other [#t9d375ef]
-Mole Experience
+企画名「もぐらMoguMogu」,チーム名:もぐらぶいあーる,Mashup Awards2017[[[link:https://hacklog.jp/works/52142]]]~

**About me [#fab97598]
I'm a jolly fellow!