*森山多覇 君(情報学専攻修士2年,梶本研究室)がSIGGRAPH ASIA 2018で Best Demo Voted by Attendeesを受賞 [#ib6f052e]

2018年12月4~7日の東京, 有楽町国際フォーラムにて開催された国際学会SIGGRAPH ASIA 2018にて、森山多覇 君(情報学専攻2年,梶本研究室)がBest Demo Voted by Attendeesを受賞しました。~

-賞:Best Demonstration Award voted by Attendees (Emerging Technologies Prize)
-発表学会:[[SIGGRAPH Asia 2018:https://sa2018.siggraph.org/en/]] (2018.12.4-7)
-発表タイトル:Hap-Link: Wearable Haptic Device on the Forearm that Presents Haptics Sensations Corresponding to the Fingers
-著者:森山多覇,西綾花,中村拓人,Yem Vibol, 梶本裕之
-発表形式:Emerging Technologies demonstration(デモ展示3日間) + E-tech talk (口頭発表15分)
-共同開発者:小林(通信),宮上(ハードウェアデザイン),高見 (Unity game programming)


*Taha Moriyama(Master student) received Best Demonstration Award at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 [#i31a72f1]

-Award: [[Best Demonstration Award voted by Attendees(Emerging Technologies Prize)
-Conference:[[SIGGRAPH Asia 2018:https://sa2018.siggraph.org/en/]] (December 4-7, 2018)
-Paper title: Hap-Link: Wearable Haptic Device on the Forearm that Presents Haptics Sensations Corresponding to the Fingers
-Authors: Taha Moriyama, Ayaka Nishi, Takuto Nakamura, Yem Vibol, and Hiroyuki Kajimoto
-Presentation style: Emerging Technologies demonstration(3 days) + short talk(15min)
-Co-developers: Kobayashi (Software), Miyakami (Hardware Design), and Takami(Unity game programming)